This page demonstrates some of the features in the Divi Carousel Maker plugin related to the scroll settings. Please be sure to review the documentation to get a better understanding of all the features that are available and how they work.

Number Of Modules Per Scroll

These examples show a few carousels with the Number Of Modules Per Scroll Set to different numbers.

Starting Module Order

These examples show a few carousels with the Starting Module Order set to different options.

Scroll Animation Speed

This example shows the various settings related to Auto Scroll.

Infinite Scroll = NO
Conditional Navigation Buttons

These examples show the Conditional Navigation Buttons either set to Hide Buttons or to Change Opacity when the carousel reaches the end. Note that this only applies when the Infinite Scroll setting is disabled.

Auto Scroll

These examples show the various settings related to Auto Scroll.

Disable Auto Scroll If Video Is Playing

Continuous Smooth Auto Scroll

This example shows the Continuous Smooth Auto Scroll feature.

Touch, Mouse, Keyboard

These examples show the various settings related to Touch Swipe, Mouse Drag, and Keyboard Navigation.

Scroll Transition Effect

These examples show the Scroll Transition Effect options.